After an LTD Claim Gets Denied: What to Expect & What to Do

After an LTD Claim Gets Denied: What to Expect & What to Do

Having your claim for long-term disability benefits denied or your benefits terminated, adds to an already stressful situation. It’s important to know, however, that you still have an opportunity to get the benefits you need, but there’s a time limit on your options...
Understanding the Importance of Medical Evidence for Disability Claims

Understanding the Importance of Medical Evidence for Disability Claims

Claims for long-term disability benefits are routinely denied by insurance companies. They deny them for any number of different reasons, but the most common is that there isn’t enough medical evidence to support the claim that your condition is preventing you from...
Why Long-Term Disability Claims Get Denied by Insurance Companies

Why Long-Term Disability Claims Get Denied by Insurance Companies

Injuries and illnesses happen to everyone. But what if someone is severely injured in an accident that requires months of full-time medical care or develops a condition so overwhelming that they can no longer perform routine tasks? Many employer and self-provided...