COVID-19: Economic Measures for Employers and Employees

COVID-19: Economic Measures for Employers and Employees

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the lives of Canadians, the government has introduced several measures to assist those in need, including both employers and employees. While many businesses have been forced to close, many employers and employees alike...
COVID-19 and Temporary Lay-Offs: What Can I Do?

COVID-19 and Temporary Lay-Offs: What Can I Do?

Many Canadians are finding themselves out of job during the coronavirus pandemic.  While many have been outright dismissed from their employment, some workers were told that the lay-off is temporary and that their employer expects to call them back.  Here, we will...
COVID-19 and Temporary Layoffs: What Are Your Risks?

COVID-19 and Temporary Layoffs: What Are Your Risks?

There are no shortage of newspaper articles, blogs, etc. commenting on the legality of temporary layoffs.  Many are from law firms. A number of articles state that a lay off (even during unprecedented times like these) is a construction dismissal or termination.  In...